Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
"Animal Biol, Evoln & Ecol 2" BIOL2041 Course
"Chemothera, Res & Para Con opt" BIOL4030 Course
"Fisheries, Aquacult & MC opt" BIOL4287 Course
"Genes, Molecules & Cells 2" BIOL2042 Course
"Lab practice, gov. & ethics" BIOL5396 Course
Adv Ex Physiol opt BIOL4026 Course
Advanced Genetics 4A option BIOL4283 Course
Advanced Studies BMS BIOL5383 Course
AI in Cancer BIOL5405 Course
AMR Epidemiology BIOL5327 Course
AMR: a One Health approach BIOL5334 Course
Anatomical Imaging Techniques Option BIOL4275 Course
Anatomy 3A BIOL4230 Course
Anatomy 3B BIOL4231 Course
Anim Ecophys opt BIOL4294 Course
Animal Biology 3A BIOL3001 Course
Animal Biology 3B BIOL3002 Course
Animal Biology Core Skills BIOL4285 Course
Animal Care & Enrichment BIOL5333 Course
Animal Ethics BIOL5114 Course
Animal Models of Disease BIOL5238 Course
Animal Welfare Science BIOL5115 Course
Applying Ecology opt BIOL4005 Course
Aquatic Biology 3A BIOL3029 Course
Aquatic Biology 3B BIOL3030 Course
Assessment of Vascular Func BIOL5343 Course
Autonomic Nervous System opt BIOL4007 Course
Basic Pathology and Techniques BIOL5406 Course
Behavioural Ecology opt BIOL4008 Course
Bio-Imaging for Researchers BIOL5261 Course
Bio-Imaging in Life Sci opt BIOL4190 Course
Biochemistry 3A BIOL4009 Course
Biochemistry 3B BIOL4010 Course
Biodiversity Informatics BIOL5132 Course
Bioinform using R for Bio BIOL5354 Course
Bioinformatics using R opt BIOL4297 Course
Biological Computing in Python BIOL5381 Course
Biology 1A BIOL1001 Course
Biology 1B BIOL1002 Course
Biology 1C (Abroad) BIOL1019 Course
Biology of Suffering BIOL5117 Course
Biology Study Abroad 2 BIOL2028 Course
Biology Study Abroad 3 BIOL3017 Course
Biomedical Visualisation 4Y option BIOL4276 Course
Biomolecular Sci 3A BIOL3005 Course
Biomolecular Sci 3B BIOL3008 Course
BiophysMP BIOL5348 Course
BiophysMR BIOL5349 Course
Biosci Res Project (Brain) BIOL5316P Course
Biosci Res Project (Cancer) BIOL5317P Course
Biosci Res Project (IID) BIOL5318P Course
Biosci Res Project (InfBio) BIOL5319P Course
Bioscience Commercialisation BIOL5200 Course
Biotechnology Applications BIOL5227 Course
Biotechnology Project BIOL5228P Course
Business in Bioscience opt BIOL4298 Course
Cadaveric Dissection Technique BIOL5246 Course
Cancer Core Skills BIOL5340 Course
Cancer Immunopharm opt BIOL4289 Course
Cancer opt BIOL4023 Course
Cancer Seminar Series BIOL5338 Course
Cancer Stem Cells BIOL5339 Course
Cardiometabolic Health opt BIOL4098 Course
Cardiovascular Pham & Ther opt BIOL4024 Course
Cardiovascular Science opt BIOL4025 Course
Cell Compartmentalisation opt BIOL4191 Course
Cell Signalling & Disease opt BIOL4027 Course
Central Approach Biochem BIOL4029 Course
ChemBioResProj BIOL5350P Course
Clinical Applied Anat S1 opt BIOL4300 Course
Clinical Applied Anat S2 opt BIOL4031 Course
CNS Neurotrans & Drug Dev opt BIOL4032 Course
Conservation Genetics BIOL5130 Course
Contemp Issues in Biology 2 BIOL2040 Course
Contemporary Issues in Neuro BIOL4258 Course
Core Skills for Mod Anatomists BIOL4270 Course
Core skills in Epidemiology BIOL5326 Course
Core Skills in M&CB BIOL4034 Course
Core Skills in Microbiology BIOL4033 Course
Core Skills in Pharmacology BIOL4182 Course
Crop Biotechnology App BIOL5213 Course
Current Dirctns LS 1X (Online) BIOL1018 Course
Current Directions in Life Sciences 1 (Online) BIOL1012 Course
Current Topics Chem Bio BIOL5373 Course
Current Topics in Biotech opt BIOL4021 Course
Current Topics in Genetics BIOL4211 Course
Current Topics in Human Bio BIOL4225 Course
Current trends and challenges BIOL5199 Course
Data Exploration for Bioinf BIOL5379 Course
Designing a Research Project BIOL5368 Course
Designing a Research Project BIOL5365 Course
Designing a Research Project BIOL5364 Course
Designing a Research Project BIOL5366 Course
Designing a Research Project: Biomedical Sciences BIOL5363 Course
Diagnostic technologies BIOL5198 Course
Digital Cancer Tech Project BIOL5413P Course
Digital Media BIOL5412 Course
Digital Pathology and Image Analysis BIOL5407 Course
Diploma of Tropical Medicine & BIOL9002 Course
Disease Ecology opt BIOL4216 Course
Disease-Causing Variants BIOL5300 Course
Diseases of Nervous System opt BIOL4038 Course
Diverse Anat opt BIOL4299 Course
DNA opt BIOL4039 Course
Drug Dev and Clinical Trials BIOL5223 Course
Drug Discovery BIOL5222 Course
Ecological Speciation opt BIOL4212 Course
Ecology Cons Afr Eco (FC) opt BIOL4288 Course
Economic tools for conservatio BIOL5325 Course
Emerging Technologies BIOL5408 Course
Emerging Viruses BIOL5314 Course
Emerging Viruses opt BIOL4223 Course
Endocrinology in Health & Disease BIOL5303 Course
Energy Balance BIOL4267 Course
Environmental Biology 1 BIOL1010 Course
Evolution (Pattern & Proc) opt BIOL4042 Course
Food of animal origin BIOL5216 Course
Food Security Crops BIOL5217 Course
Food Security Project BIOL5215P Course
Forensic Applications Biol opt BIOL4049 Course
Forensic Osteology opt BIOL4277 Course
Foundations of Bioinformatics BIOL5170 Course
Foundations of Bioinformatics BIOL5382 Course
Freshwater Ecology (FC) opt BIOL4050 Course
Functional Foods opt BIOL4268 Course
Fundamental Topics Immunology BIOL4184 Course
Fundamental Topics in Biol 2 BIOL2039 Course
Fundamental Topics Mol Imm opt BIOL4185 Course
Fundamentals of Neuroscience BIOL5283 Course
Genes & Development opt BIOL4125 Course
Genetics 3A BIOL4051 Course
Genetics 3B BIOL4052 Course
Genetics of complex traits opt BIOL4296 Course
Genome Editing BIOL5376 Course
GIS for Ecologists BIOL5250 Course
Global Animal Production BIOL5212 Course
Grand Challenges Med Micro opt BIOL4222 Course
Hallmarks of Cancer BIOL5341 Course
Higher Skills in Biomed Sci BIOL5149 Course
Host-pathogen interactions BIOL5196 Course
Human Biological Sciences 2 BIOL2043 Course
Human Biology 3A BIOL4228 Course
Human Biology 3B BIOL4229 Course
Human Biology Advanced Studies 4 BIOL4227 Module
Human dimensions BIOL5292 Course
Human Life Sciences 3A BIOL3027 Course
Human Life Sciences 3B BIOL3028 Course
Human Molecular Genetics opt BIOL4055 Course
Human Wildlife Conflict BIOL5306 Course
Immunologic Basis Infl Dis opt BIOL4186 Course
Immunology 3A BIOL4056 Course
Immunology 3B BIOL4057 Course
Immunology of Infection opt BIOL4189 Course
Immunotherapy BIOL5342 Course
Industrial & Environ Micro opt BIOL4061 Course
Industrial & Environmental BIOL5145 Course
Infect. Prevention. BIOL5304 Course
Infection Biology 3A BIOL3010 Course
Infection Biology 3B BIOL3011 Course
Infectious Disease Ecology BIOL5123 Course
Inflamm Disease BIOL5355 Course
Insects and Food Security BIOL5220 Course
Intro to global food security BIOL5335 Course
Intro to Med Writing BIOL5399 Course
Intro to Omics BIOL5360 Course
Introduction to Anatomy BIOL5247 Course
Introduction to Bioinformatic BIOL5346 Course
Introduction to Food Security BIOL5218 Course
Investigating Biological Function option BIOL4064 Course
ISS Functional Anatomy BIOL2051 Course
ISS MVLS Pre-Uni Sum. Sch. SLS BIOL1017 Course
ISS Res Proj Visit BIOL4226 Course
ISS Res Proj Visit UCEAP BIOL4290 Course
ISS Short Res Proj Visit UCEAP BIOL4291 Course
Laboratory Health and Safety BIOL5394 Course
Life Sci Dissertn Hons Project BIOL4247P Course
Life Sci Dissertn MSci Project BIOL5288P Course
Life Sci Intern. Hons Project BIOL4249P Course
Life Sci Intern. MSci Project BIOL5374P Course
Life Sci Invest. Hons Project BIOL4246P Course
Life Sci Invest. MSci Project BIOL5287P Course
Life Sci Outreach Hons Project BIOL4248P Course
Life Sci Outreach MSci Project BIOL5289P Course
Life Sciences Y1 BIOL1015 Course
Life Sciences Y1 students S2 BIOL1016 Course
Life Sciences Y2 BIOL2052 Course
Life Sciences Y4 Induction BIOL4286 Course
LS Safety & Sustainability BIOL4301P Course
Marine & Freshwater Biology 3A BIOL4065 Course
Marine & Freshwater Biology 3B BIOL4066 Course
Marine Mammal&Seabird (FC) opt BIOL4210 Course
Medical Microbiology 3A BIOL4092 Course
Medical Microbiology 3B BIOL4093 Course
Medical Virology opt BIOL4224 Course
Microbiology and Immunology 2 BIOL2044 Course
Mitochondrial Biology opt BIOL4259 Course
Modelling Human Disease BIOL5226 Course
Mol Cell Micro Opt BIOL4295 Course
Mol Epidemiology Phylodynamics BIOL5119 Course
Molecular & Cellular Biol 3A BIOL4074 Course
Molecular & Cellular Biol 3B BIOL4075 Course
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology option BIOL4077 Course
Molecular Basis Cardio Dis opt BIOL4079 Course
Molecular Genetics of Disease BIOL5152 Course
Molecular Laboratory Skills BIOL5214 Course
Molecular Research Skills BIOL5229 Course
Molecular Virology option BIOL4082 Course
Monitoring Sports Perform opt BIOL4273 Course
MRes Biomedical Sci Project 1 BIOL5150P Course
MRes Biomedical Sci Project 2 BIOL5151P Course
MRes EEB Lit. Review & Plan BIOL5186P Course
MRes EEB Research Project BIOL5187P Course
MSc Bioinformatics Project BIOL5173P Course
MSc Biomedical Sci Project BIOL5266P Course
MSc I&ID (BIOL5237) BIOL5237 Course
Neuroinflammation BIOL5291 Course
Neuromodulation & Plastic opt BIOL4279 Course
Neuronal Pathways opt BIOL4001 Course
Neuroscience 3A BIOL4234 Course
Neuroscience 3B BIOL4235 Course
Neuroscience Animal Models BIOL5282 Course
Nutr Dis Prev opt BIOL4036 Course
Omics and Systems Approaches in Biology BIOL5174 Course
Omics for biomedical sciences BIOL5197 Course
Parasites, Disease and Immunity option BIOL4089 Course
Pathogen Polyomics BIOL5299 Course
Performance Enhancing Tech opt BIOL4214 Course
Personalised Medicine opt BIOL4284 Course
Perspectives on Cogn Neuro opt BIOL4266 Course
Pharmacology 3A BIOL4236 Course
Pharmacology 3B BIOL4237 Course
Physical Activ & Pub Hth opt BIOL4097 Course
Physiological Determin Perform BIOL4215 Course
Physiological Ecology of Marine Animals option BIOL4100 Course
Physiology & Sports Science 3A BIOL4107 Course
Physiology & Sports Science 3B BIOL4108 Course
Physiology 3A BIOL4238 Course
Physiology 3B BIOL4239 Course
Plant Biotech BIOL5312 Course
Plant Biotechnology opt BIOL4110 Course
Plant Genetic Engineering BIOL5219 Course
Plant Molecular Biol opt BIOL4112 Course
Precision. diag. and therap. BIOL5357 Course
Presentation Skills BIOL5336 Course
Principles conservation ecol BIOL5293 Course
Principles of Immunology BIOL5356 Course
Problems in Reprod opt BIOL4117 Course
Programming and Databases BIOL4292 Course
Programming in R BIOL5344 Course
Project Design Cancer BIOL5400 Course
Protected area management BIOL5294 Course
Protein Expression BIOL5305 Course
Quantitative Methods BIOL5211 Course
RCPSG/Anatomy CPD courses BIOL9001 Course
Redox Bio BIOL5351 Course
Research Project BIOL5134P Course
Research Project - CMAE BIOL5337P Course
Research Skills for Immunology BIOL5369 Course
Research Skills Life Sci BIOL5353 Course
Research Skills Precision Med BIOL5358 Course
RNA-seq Transcriptomics BIOL5177 Course
Sci Coms Project BIOL5414P Course
Sci Journalism BIOL5416 Course
Sci Writing for Med Coms BIOL5411 Course
Scientific Skills for Intercalating Students BIOL4271 Course
Single Species Models BIOL5135 Course
Spatial Ecology BIOL5129 Course
Sports & Exercise Nutritn opt BIOL4043 Course
Sports Science 3A BIOL3015 Course
Sports Science 3B BIOL3016 Course
Statistics for Bioinformatics BIOL5371 Course
Statistics for Life Sci S1 opt BIOL4281 Course
Statistics for Life Sci S2 opt BIOL4282 Course
Stem Cell Project BIOL5332P Course
Stem Cells & Regen Medicine BIOL5347 Course
Stem Cells opt BIOL4123 Course
Structure & Funct Human Body BIOL5248 Course
Synthetic Biology BIOL5230 Course
Tissue & Cell Engineering opt BIOL4124 Course
TME and Biomarkers BIOL5380 Course
Tropical Ecology opt BIOL4183 Course
Tropical Marine Biol (FC) opt BIOL4126 Course
Tropical Rainforest Ecol opt BIOL4127 Course
Vacation Project in Biology BIOL4129P Course
Work Placement Yr Life Sci BIOL5232 Course
World Changers Seminars BIOL5359 Course
Zoology 3A BIOL4137 Course
Zoology 3B BIOL4138 Course

Lists linked to School of Life Sciences

Title Sort by title Semester Last updated Sort by last updated
Human Biology 3A Semester Year 2023/24 18/10/2023 04:58:19
Human Biology 3A Semester Year 2024/25 03/06/2024 12:27:13