Browse School

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"Dyn, Electrodyn & Rel Dec Exam" PHYS5048 Course
"Dyn, Electrodyn & Rel" PHYS5004 Course
AB01H Inst Opt & Radio Ast ASTRO4010 Course
AB02H Cosmology ASTRO4006 Course
AB03H Ast Data Analysis ASTRO4013 Course
AB04H Exploring Planetary Sys ASTRO4007 Course
AB11M Gen Relativity & Grav ASTRO5001 Course
AB12M Pulsars & Supernovae ASTRO5002 Course
Advanced Data Analysis PHYS5001 Course
APR1H Ast Lab Project 1 ASTRO4001P Course
APR2H Ast Lab Project 2 ASTRO4002P Course
ASK1H Ast Project Skills 1 ASTRO4003P Course
ASK2H Ast Project Skills 2 ASTRO4004P Course
Astro Project for 4M Stu ASTRO4020P Course
Astronomy 1 ASTRO1001 Course
Astronomy 1 (Half) ASTRO1002 Course
Astronomy 2 ASTRO2001 Course
Astronomy 2 (Half) ASTRO2002 Course
Astronomy Study Abroad 3 ASTRO3002 Course
Astronomy Study Abroad 4 ASTRO4012 Course
Atomic Systems PHYS4002 Course
Circuits & Systems PHYS4003 Course
Circuits & Systems Dec Exam PHYS4054 Course
Electromagnetic Theory 1 PHYS4004 Course
Electromagnetic Theory 2 PHYS5005 Course
Electronic Signals Trans PHYS4005 Course
Energy & Environment PHYS4006 Course
Energy & Environment Dec Exam PHYS4047 Course
Environmental Radioactivity PHYS5037 Course
Experimental Quantum Optics PHYS5056 Course
Exploring the Cosmos 1X ASTRO1003 Course
Exploring the Cosmos 1Y ASTRO1004 Course
Fundamentals of Sensing PHYS5044 Course
Fundamentals of Sensing and Measurement (December Exam) PHYS5050 Course
Galaxies ASTRO4008 Course
General Physics Wksp Dec Exam PHYS4048 Course
General Physics Workshp PHYS4007 Course
Gravitational Wave Detection PHYS5006 Course
Groups & Symmetries PHYS5007 Course
Groups & Symmetries Dec Exam PHYS5051 Course
Heliophysics & Stellar Atmos ASTRO4005 Course
High Energy Astrophysics ASTRO4009 Course
Hons Computational Phys Lab PHYS4008 Course
Hons Physics Lab (Dec Exam) PHYS4061 Course
Hons Physics Laboratory PHYS4009 Course
Imaging and Detectors PHYS5035 Course
International Physics Summer School 1 & 2 PHYS1015 Course
Intl Physics Summer School 1 PHYS1016 Course
Intl Physics Summer School 2 PHYS1017 Course
Introductory Physics (Physics 111) PHYS1010 Course
Lasers & Non-Linear Optics PHYS4014 Course
Magnetism & Supercond PHYS4010 Course
Mathematical Methods 1 PHYS4011 Course
Mathematical Methods 1 Dec Exa PHYS4055 Course
Mathematical Methods 2 PHYS4012 Course
Mathematical Methods 2 Dec Ex PHYS4049 Course
Medical Imaging PHYS4013 Course
MSc Project PHYS5021P Course
MSc Project (Edinburgh) PHYS5092P Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Advanced Materials Chemistry PGT PHYS5084 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Analogue circuit design PHYS5085 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Applications of Sensor and Imaging Systems PHYS5074 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Bio-Inspired Engineering PHYS5086 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Biophysical Chemistry Level 11 PHYS5076 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - BioSensors and Instrumentation PHYS5075 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Chemistry of Functional Materials Level 11 PHYS5077 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Image and Vision Computing PHYS5087 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Innovation-driven Entrepreneurship PHYS5078 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Lab-on-Chip Technologies PHYS5079 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Microfabrication Techniques PHYS5080 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Physical Techniques in Action Level 11 PHYS5081 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Research Project Preparation PHYS5082 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Solar Energy & Photovoltaic Systems PHYS5088 Course
MSc SIS Edinburgh Course - Technology and Innovation Management PHYS5083 Course
Musical Acoustics PHYS1020 Course
Nano and Atomic Scale Imaging PHYS5041 Course
Nano and Atomic Scale Imaging PHYS5042 Course
Nuclear & Particle Phys PHYS4015 Course
Nuclear & Particle Phys Dec Ex PHYS4050 Course
Nuclear Physics PHYS4016 Course
Nuclear Power Reactors PHYS5038 Course
Nuclear Reactors (Dec Exam) PHYS5063 Course
Numerical Methods PHYS4017 Course
Numerical Methods Dec Exam PHYS4056 Course
P2P in Physics PHYS4045 Course
P4PR20H Physics Project PHYS4023P Course
P4PR30H Physics Project PHYS4022P Course
P4PR40M Physics M Project PHYS5009P Course
Particle Physics PHYS4018 Course
Phys Education & Communication PHYS4034 Course
Physics 1 PHYS1001 Course
Physics 1 (Half) PHYS1002 Course
Physics 2 PHYS2001 Course
Physics 2 (Half) PHYS2002 Course
Physics 2T: Prog Under Linux PHYS2003 Course
Physics 40-credit Project PHYS4053P Course
Physics for engineering 1 PHYS1023 Course
Physics for engineering 2 PHYS1024 Course
Physics for life sciences 1 PHYS1021 Course
Physics for life sciences 2 PHYS1022 Course
Physics Group Project PHYS4021P Course
Physics Literature Project PHYS5047P Course
Physics Study Abroad 2 PHYS2006 Course
Physics Study Abroad 3 PHYS3038 Course
Physics Study Abroad 4 PHYS4037 Course
Plasma Theory & Diagnostics ASTRO5004 Course
Problem Solving Wkshp PHYS5012 Course
Problem Solving Workshop (December Exam) PHYS5053 Course
Quantum and Atom Optics PHYS5002 Course
Quantum Information PHYS5039 Course
Quantum Mechanics PHYS4025 Course
Quantum Theory PHYS4026 Course
Quantum Theory Dec Exam PHYS4051 Course
Radiation Detector Laboratory PHYS5036 Course
Rel Quantum Fields Dec Exam PHYS5054 Course
Relativistic Quantum Fields PHYS5014 Course
Research Methods in Sensing and Measurement (Glasgow) PHYS5043 Course
Research Skills PHYS5015 Course
SciSkills PHYS1011 Course
Semiconductor Physics PHYS4027 Course
Solid State Physics PHYS4028 Course
Solid State Physics Dec Exam PHYS4052 Course
Statistical Astronomy ASTRO5003 Course
Statistical Mechanics PHYS5016 Course
Stellar Struct & Evolu ASTRO4011 Course
Summer Engineering Physics 1 PHYS1018 Course
Summer Engineering Physics 2 PHYS1019 Course
The Sun's Atmosphere ASTRO5010 Course
Theo Phys Grp Project PHYS4029P Course
Thermal Physics PHYS4030 Course
Waves & Diffraction PHYS4031 Course
Waves & Diffraction Dec Exam PHYS4057 Course

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